Prof. William Jacot, MD, PhD
Head of the Translational Research Department at the ICM Val d’Aurelle Cancer Institute of Montpellier in France
William Jacot, MD, PhD, is a medical oncologist and Head of the Translational Research Department at the ICM Val d’Aurelle Cancer Institute of Montpellier in France. He is Professor of Medical Oncology at the Montpellier University and is clinical collaborator at the Inserm U1194 laboratory (Tumoral Identity and Plasticity team) at the Comprehensive Cancer Centre of Montpellier. He spent one year in the Department of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. His research interests and topics include prognostic and predictive factors in breast cancers, decision processes in adjuvant breast cancer, tumor biology, and more specifically biology and innovative targets in triple negative breast cancers. He published more than 190 PubMed indexed articles on these topics.
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