Dr Nikolett Warner

Dr Nikolett Warner

Cancer Survivorship Research Officer at the Irish Cancer Society

Nikolett Warner is the Cancer Survivorship Research Officer at the Irish Cancer Society, where she works to develop and implement research funding calls aimed at the social, nursing, and allied health research community. She also works in collaboration with other departments within the Irish Cancer Society on joint priorities across cancer services, survivorship, and advocacy initiatives. Nikolett was previously awarded a Masters in Health Psychology and a PhD on the psychological impact of being identified as carrying a BRCA1/2 alteration from the National University of Galway (NUI), Ireland. She won the inaugural PPI Excellence in PhD research award from PPI Ignite at NUI Galway in 2021. Nikolett is particularly interested in PPI, hereditary cancer, and cancer survivorship more generally.

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All donations to the IACR go directly towards supporting early-stage oncology scientific researchers in their work.

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Contact Us
Irish Association for Cancer Research
9A Coolkill, Sandyford, Dublin 18

T: +353 (0)1 295 8859
E: info@iacr.ie

Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR) is a registered charity on the Register of Charitable Organisations.

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20030117

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