Dr Isabella Bray
Senior Council Member
Dr. Isabella Bray is the Research & Operations Manager at the National Children’s Research Centre, where she is responsible for the management of the Research Grants and Operations teams. As part of her role, she works closely with the Chief Executive to implement a research strategy and ensure the accurate communication of NCRC research to key stakeholders including researchers, clinicians, patients, and the public.
Isabella holds a BSc in Biotechnology and a Ph.D. in Cancer Cell Biology, both from Dublin City University. After completion of her Ph.D. she moved in 2007 to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland where the focus of her research was neuroblastoma, a rare pediatric cancer. In 2012 she became Coordinator of the Cancer Genetics group in RCSI before leaving in 2014 to join the Fannin Scientific Technical Applications & Sales team. In January 2016 she took up the post of Research Manager at the Irish Cancer Society where she worked until moving to her current position at the NCRC in March 2018.
IACR 2023 Carer’s Bursary €300
Apply for funding towards additional costs of care while attending conference. Five Bursaries Available.
Registration/ Membership for IACR 2023
Registration for the 59th Annual Conference in the Radisson Blu hotel, Athlone is Now Open.
EACR Membership is Included
The IACR is an affiliated national society and its members benefit from full membership of the EACR.
Biomedical Session Abstracts
Deadline: Midnight, Friday, 20th January 2023
Please note:
- Patrick Johnston Lay submission category is now closed
- Late Breaking Abstracts submitted to the Biomedical Sessions will be considered for Display Poster Presentation.
Social Nursing and Allied Health (SNAH) Abstracts
Deadline: Midnight, Monday, 9th January 2023
SNAH abstract submissions will remain open until Monday 9th January.
Any questions?
Please contact Sinead on: sinead@sineadcassidy.com
Contact Us
Contact Us
Irish Association for Cancer Research
9A Coolkill, Sandyford, Dublin 18
Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR) is a registered charity on the Register of Charitable Organisations.
Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20030117
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