Welcome to the IACR

IACR 2024 Membership + Registration

Prof. Patrick G Johnston Award 2024

IACR Joint Funding Scholarships are OPEN

The IACR is delighted to announce that it has partnered with Breakthrough Cancer Research and the Irish Cancer Society to fund three PhD scholarships in 2024.

IACR Membership Benefits

EACR Membership is Included

The IACR is an affiliated national society and its members benefit from full membership of the EACR.

A Few Words from Our President

Prof. Jacintha O'Sullivan

Prof. Jacintha O'Sullivan

President, IACR 2024-2027

The Irish Association for Cancer Research is an All Ireland non-profit organisation for cancer researchers across all disciplines. 

Our aim is to advance cancer research across the island, by bringing together experts in this area, so that patient survival can be improved year on year, through cancer prevention, earlier diagnosis and new and optimised treatments to ultimately reduce the burden of cancer. The patient is at the heart of everything we do from diagnosis, through to treatment and survivorship.

To accelerate this process we believe that by working together, across all disciplines and centres, we hope to raise the profile of cancer research in Ireland and generate a world-class environment for cancer research for the public benefit.


Educational Sponsors Irish Cancer Society, Breakthrough Cancer Research, AICRI Start, EACR


Educational Sponsors Irish Cancer Society, Breakthrough Cancer Research, AICRI Start,  EACR


Silver Sponsors - MSC and Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Donate to Cancer Research

All donations to the IACR go directly towards supporting early-stage oncology scientific researchers in their work.

Contact Us

Contact Us
Irish Association for Cancer Research
9A Coolkill, Sandyford, Dublin 18

T: +353 (0)1 295 8859
E: info@iacr.ie

Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR) is a registered charity on the Register of Charitable Organisations.

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20030117

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